Care Medicaid Application Assistance
When you or your loved one is looking for Long Term Care, you may need to apply for Medicaid. Cadia understands how intimidating that can be, so our experts are here to help you navigate the process. This is a unique service we provide free of charge that entails several steps. We assist you and your family to ensure proper application is conducted, saving you thousands of dollars in potential legal fees.
First, we will ask you to gather some financial information that is necessary to make a Medicaid referral. Then we’ll meet with you and your loved one to complete the Medicaid application. At this time, we’ll identify any issues that might prevent eligibility for Medicaid funding. An example of items that may be needed are:
- Birth Certificate
- Copy of Medicare, Social Security, and photo ID
- Last Three Months of all Banking Account Statements
- Life Insurance Cash and Face Value
- Deed to Home
- Car Title
- Proof (letter format) of Monthly Income
- Death Certificate (if Patient’s Spouse is Deceased)
- Divorce Certificate (if Patient is Divorced)
Next, we’ll make the referral to Medicaid, which is followed by a Medicaid appointment approximately 4-6 weeks later.
Finally, we will attend the Medicaid appointment and go over any additional items needed. We continue to work with you, your loved one, and Medicaid until your case is resolved.